Hi There!

I'm Dan Schlegel, an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at SUNY Oswego

Establishing Your COG366 Website

You will establish a website to store all of the artifacts you create during the semester in this course. This will allow us to more easily share observations with each other and look at each others work during class. It will also allow you to easily reference your work and share it with others in the future!

Task 1: Getting your Index Page Set Up

  1. On your own computer, create a folder called COG366WorkSite somewhere you will remember.
  2. Download the index.html file by right clicking it and saving target as to your COG366WorkSite folder.
  3. Download the cog366.css file by right clicking it and saving target as to your COG366WorkSite folder.
  4. Open the index.html file with your favorite text editor. (Note: avoid using Text Edit on mac, as it does odd things to formatting. I use the free version of BBEdit.)
  5. Also open index.html in your favorite web browser so you can see it.
  6. In your text editor, change the name in the file from Emanon to your name. Save it and refresh the browser page to make sure it worked.
  7. Open the cog366.css file in your favorite text editor.
  8. Make some changes to the colors and formatting until you are happy and the background doesn’t hurt everyones eyes. If you need help, check out some of the W3C tutorials.

Task 2: Gathering Materials

  1. Create a folder called prolog inside your COG366WorkSite folder.
  2. Find your materials for both prolog challenge 1 and prolog challenge 2 and copy them into the prolog folder.
  3. Adjust the names of the files so that they match what the links in the index.html file are looking for. Be sure the capitalization matches!
  4. Check that the links to the solutions all work in your index.html file.

Task 3: Creating Demo Pages

For each part of both projects:

  1. download a copy of the DemoTemplate.html file (by right clicking, choosing save target as, and putting it in your prolog folder);
  2. rename DemoTemplate.html to the appropriate name as used in the index (being sure to check capitalization);
  3. open your demo file in your favorite text editor;
  4. change the name of the program you’re demoing (where the ‘?’ is in the file);
  5. load and run your program in Prolog;
  6. copy and paste the entire Prolog interaction to replace the ‘#’ in your demo file;
  7. make sure the link is working in the index.html file.

Task 4: Enabling your Website

  1. Follow the directions posted on Blackboard for connecting to the computer science department servers using FileZilla.
  2. Once you have connected, if you do not have a folder called public_html in your home folder, use FileZilla to create one.
  3. Enter the public_html folder
  4. Copy your COG366WorkSite folder into your public_html folder on the server by navigating to your COG366WorkSite folder on the left side of the screen, then dragging it over to the right side of the screen.
  5. Check that your page works by visiting: http://cs.oswego.edu/~YOURLAKERID/COG366WorkSite (of course, replacing YOURLAKERID with your actual laker ID!