Hi There!

I'm Dan Schlegel, an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at SUNY Oswego

CSC344 – Assignment 5


Write a Python program which takes a single argument — a directory name. Your program will, for every file in the directory, count the number of lines in that file using the Unix command wc. Then, write to the console each file name and its number of lines.

Main Project

Write a Python program that collects, summarizes, and e-mails all the programming assignments for this course. Specifically, assuming the programs are in subdirectories a1, a2, …, a5 of directory csc344, your program should:

  • create a summary_ai.html file for each ai, which contains (in reasonably formatted, valid HTML):
    • the name of each source file (linked to the file itself), along with the number of lines long the file is, and
    • a list of all identifiers used in the program (class, function, rule, variable etc names), omitting duplicates. You do NOT need to specially filter keywords or builtin functions;
  • create a valid HTML web page in the csc344 directory called index.html with links to each of the summary files;
  • create a zip file containing all assignment sources, but excluding non-sources (executables, .class files, etc). Also included should be the html files created above. Be sure the links in the webpages work after extracted;
  • prompt the user for an email address and send the zip file.

Dev Environment / Useful Resources

PyDev + Eclipse + Python 3.6.3
Regular Expressions in Python 3.6
Regular Expression Debugger / Tester